
Welcome to the new site of the online learning suite of the Elisabeth Curtis Centre, Riding for the Disabled.

From here you can access all the training courses to help you in your role as a Volunteer with us.

How do I get started?

  1. You will first need to register for an account. Do this by clicking on the profile page from the main menu and follow the instructions to register an account.
  2. Once registered you will then need to; log in (from the same page) using the details you registered with.
  3. You can then visit the courses page and click “View More” on any of the courses. You can then click “Start” and you will automatically be enrolled onto the course. Work through each section by reading the material / watching the videos and then clicking “complete” at the bottom of each section.
  4. At the end you will be able to download / print a certificate of completion. Please note the name displayed on the certificate is the name chosen as your “display name” to change visit profile > Settings > General > Display name.

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